A groundbreaking TV drama series, officially sanctioned by F1, is currently in the works. The series, titled “One”, featuring Felicity Jones in a starring and executive-producing role, has been picked up by Amazon MGM Studios for distribution on Prime Video, according to Variety. The concept of the show bears similarities to another project in development at a rival studio, notably Brad Pitt’s and Jerry Bruckheimer’s forthcoming film, also named “F1.”
Jones’ series, which is awaiting official confirmation, will revolve around a struggling, family-owned racing team led by her character, navigating through intense rivalries, dynamic personalities, and high-stakes racing, as detailed by Variety. Similarly, Daniel Ricciardo’s Hulu comedy series, “Downforce,” follows the story of an heiress stepping back into a racing dynasty, facing tough decisions about legacy and team success.
Both shows draw inspiration from the real-life narrative of Claire Williams, former team principal of Williams Racing. Williams, one of the only two female team principals in F1 history, had to sell the family team in 2020, echoing the challenges faced by women in motorsport leadership.
The announcement of Jones’ “One” series dates back to 2023, with initial development paused during a writer’s strike. Jones expressed her excitement about the project, emphasizing the thrill of delving into the dramatic world of F1 through the show.
Following the success of “Drive to Survive,” F1 appointed Isabelle Stewart as head of original content in 2022 to develop more engaging stories within the F1 realm. “One” and Pitt’s “F1” are among the projects born from Stewart’s leadership.
Interestingly, Daniel Ricciardo’s Hulu series, “Downforce,” was also unveiled in 2022, promising a behind-the-scenes look at the F1 paddock akin to the TV show “Entourage.” The series is being crafted by the creative minds behind HBO’s “Silicon Valley,” Alec Berg and Adam Countee.
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Emily Selleck
Formula 1
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