Now that Patch 14.16 is live, let’s explore the changes coming in LoL Patch 14.17.
Image Credit: Riot Games
LoL Patch 14.17 – Major death time changes
With the recent release of Patch 14.16 on August 14, one significant adjustment was made to increase early game death timers, emphasizing the importance of early game champions and the impact of early game leads on the losing team.
Aside from this, various champion alterations have been made to address the prevalence of ranged marksmen in different roles. Furthermore, a number of mid lane champions have been either buffed or nerfed, making it potentially the most affected role in this upcoming patch.
Looking ahead to the next patch, Riot game designer Phroxzon has provided insights into the rationale behind the upcoming changes. Specifically focusing on ADC, there are plans to nerf some of the strongest champions and reduce the presence of marksmen in the mid lane by adjusting runes such as Absorb Life, Cut Down, and Fleet Footwork.
Following recent micropatch nerfs, Riot is content with the current state of Aurora but aims to implement further nerfs and visual updates to make her gameplay less frustrating. Additionally, adjustments are being made to some of the strongest supports dominating the current meta, with Senna, Seraphine, and Pyke at the forefront, with the goal of enhancing the viability of both melee and ranged support champions. Specific number changes will be revealed by game designer Spideraxe.
Patch 14.16 Release Date
According to the official patch schedule, Patch 14.17 is set to be released on Wednesday, August 28, marking the 17th patch out of the 24 updates planned for the year.
How will the upcoming patch impact the meta?
With several impactful changes in the patch, particularly the nerfs to some of the most dominant picks in the meta, champions like Rumble, Senna, Seraphine, Katarina, and Ezreal are all receiving adjustments. It’s notable that Jhin is not on this list, but potential changes may still be in store. Additionally, the nerfs to Absorb Life and Fleet Footwork could potentially shift marksmen away from solo lanes, primarily affecting high elo gameplay.
Among the buffs, notable improvements to Ryze and Graves are anticipated. Ryze may become a more viable option for certain players, while Graves, an AD jungler, could see increased relevance if other AP junglers are nerfed. Check out the best champions for the current patch:
Top lane tier list
Jungle tier list
Mid lane tier list
ADC tier list
Support tier list
Patch 14.17 Tentative Changes
Champion changes in Patch 14.17
Base HP: 640 ⇒ 610
R damage: 200/325/450 ⇒ 175/275/375
Passive explosion damage now capped at 250/325/400/475 (levels 1/6/11/16) for large monsters (not epics)
Attack Speed ratio: 0.594 ⇒ 0.610
W cooldown: 30/24/19/15/12 seconds ⇒ 26/22/18/14/10 seconds
… (continued for various champion changes)
Item changes
Celestial Opposition
Slow: 60% for 2 seconds ⇒ 50% for 1.5 seconds
Warmog’s Armor
Warmog’s Heart bonus Move Speed: 10% ⇒ 5%
Cost: 3100 ⇒ 3300 gold
System changes
Absorb Life
Heal on kill:
(Level 1 – 5): 1 – 5 ⇒ 1 – 2
(Level 6 – 10): 6 – 11 ⇒ 3 – 7
(Level 11 – 18): 12 – 23 ⇒ 9 – 23
… (adjusted values for Cut Down and Fleet Footwork)
Upcoming skins
Battle Queen Miss Fortune
Battle Queen Gwen
Battle Queen Fiora
Battle Princess Annie
Divine God King Darius
Fallen God King Garen
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