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Welcome to Sunday’s edition of the RaceFans round-up.
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Latest updates on teams, driver transfer market and contracts (Sky)
Niels Wittich on his sudden departure as F1 race director last year: ‘It all came as a complete surprise. To this day I have not been given a reason for my resignation. The last time I spoke to the FIA president was last year in China. So there has been no conflict or bad understanding. ‘
Red Bull nach durchwachsenen F1-Testfahrten gewarnt: Erwarteter Schritt nicht gelungen (Motorsport-Magazin – German)
title (Las Vegas Review-Journal)
‘The race fans filed suit seeking $5 billion against F1’s parent company Liberty Media and Las Vegas Paving. The judge ruled that the plaintiffs ‘sufficiently plead that they have a cognisable injury but fail to sufficiently plead’ breach of contract, along with negligence and deceptive trade practice claims.’
St. Petersburg ‘like they added an extra corner’ with hybrid (Racer)
‘I feel like it’s always a bit on edge in practice one, because the track is green, and I feel a lot of drivers, including me, obviously, know that it’s supposed to be flat, so you just go flat without thinking about it, and then it’s like, ‘Oh shit,’ but yeah, you can feel the weight,’
Qualifying highlights – 2025 Grand Prix of St. Petersburg (IndyCar via YouTube)
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